Togetherness for Healing


When I withdraw, I feel the pain of separation immediately. When I regroup, I go out to all the people; that is my regrouping. It is completely happy for me to know that you all are my salvation. It is not negative dependency, but pure relief.

What you call without, I call within. And I go to without whenever I’m tired, whenever my nerves are on edge, whenever I feel separated and difficult, and it fixes me. And then maybe I’m strong enough to stand another bout of being by myself.


How to Prevent Misery


“The average man hates the effects of the way he lives. He wants to escape the effects of insufficient loving—shame, low self-esteem, loneliness, emotional dysfunction. But he does not want to be sufficiently loving to stop creating those effects. And the fact remains, loving is the only way to prevent those effects.”
