If you really are loving, you are really radiant. And you are really attractive. Let’s face it: a genuinely loving person is an invitation to bliss—a difficult offer to refuse.
Tag Archives: love
Surrender Instead
In Love, All Your Needs Are Met
You Are Already Across
“True love is not a complicated matter of trying to get across anything—just a simple matter of being across. The process of loving is not a difficult job of overcoming difference and separation; it is an easy confession of being identical to and inseparable from others. You are already what they are, and where they are. When you see that, loving becomes natural and easy. Almost irrepressible, actually.”
The Rules
“If you try to be free for the purpose of being free, it takes a long time to get anywhere. Whereas, if you effort to be free for some social purpose—like delighting—progress is instant.
Likewise, if you love to demonstrate that you are loving, you get further from loving each day. Whereas, if you love to heal the beloved, you’re already there.
Those are the actual rules.”
How to Prevent Misery
“The average man hates the effects of the way he lives. He wants to escape the effects of insufficient loving—shame, low self-esteem, loneliness, emotional dysfunction. But he does not want to be sufficiently loving to stop creating those effects. And the fact remains, loving is the only way to prevent those effects.”
Free Love
The Breakdown of Society
The Real Purpose of Life
The Only Permanent Decision Is the Decision for True Love
“You are spirit. As such, you simply cannot get behind anything other than an absolute decision to make love your ultimate priority.
Since no lesser choice can satisfy you, no lesser choice can stand. That’s why all choices that are not choices for true love are temporary and destined to be revised in the light of truth. Everything that is not love will someday be abandoned.”