You’re Gonna Have to Serve Somebody


It comes down to this matter of loyalty and you’re going to serve somebody. “It may be the devil, it may be the lord,” but you ARE going, definitely, to serve somebody.

You will always be a lay-down. You will always be surrendered. You will always be obedient. That much is absolute.

The only thing that is actually an issue is: What you’re going to be surrendered to; what you’re going to be a lay-down for; what you’re going to be obedient to.

That is all that is negotiable. That is all that there’s a choice about. NOT whether or not you’re going to be a lay-down. Not whether or not you’re going to be subservient. Not whether or not you’re going to be obedient. That isn’t an option. You will be all those things.


The choice to be a lay-down, to be obedient and subservient to the persona and to the egoic philosophy that it holds, is the choice to be locked out of your true selfhood and out of fulfillment of every kind.

For people who are concerned about fulfillment of every kind, or even of any kind, that should make them go, “Hmm.” It should get them to see reality better. There IS a surrender, there IS a subservience, there IS an obedience, there IS a jump and “how high?” But whether that’s going to be in relationship to the egoic persona, or whether it’s going to be in relation to your own heart, is the choice.


How Great Lovers Got That Way


“If the common paths led to love, love’s heroes would be legion. But masters of love are rare. How did these great ones prepare themselves?

They didn’t. They saw the futility of preparing for love. They recognized that preparation is only postponement—because the emphasis on becoming reflects a refusal to already be.

Jumping into love is like jumping off a high diving board: there’s no way to get ready—you’ve got to jump. And that’s exactly what they all did.

So don’t get ready. Just surrender to what you’ve always been getting ready to surrender to—just do it.”
